Statement from Space Florida President Frank DiBello Regarding GKN Aerospace Aerostructures Announcement

Space Florida Welcomes GKN Aerospace Aerostructures to Florida’s Panhandle

Space Florida congratulates GKN Aerospace Aerostructures on its announcement, and would like to extend a warm welcome on behalf of the State of Florida. We applaud Bay Economic Development Alliance’s partnership with GKN Aerospace Aerostructures, as it provides valued expansion of advanced manufacturing for our aerospace industry, high-wage job creation and capital investment to Florida’s Panhandle. Space Florida looks forward to working with the company through its many stages of growth.

Press Contact:
Sara Shell
321-730-5301 x221


Phone: (321) 730-5301


Alayna Curry
Director of Public Relations
Phone: (407) 408-1766

Corporate Office

Phone: (321) 730-5301
Odyssey Way, Suite 300
Exploration Park, Florida 32953

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100 Space Port Way
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920